Reflecting on my Time at Lemelson-MIT

As my internship at Lemelson-MIT draws to a close, I find myself contemplating the profound impact it has had on my personal growth and future aspirations. When I began this program, I stated that my goal was to “enhance my knowledge of ethnography and the strategies involved to identify and understand large systemic issues.” While I feel I’ve completed and fulfilled that goal by learning the qualitative strategies that come with ethnographic research, I came out of this internship with so much more than that. As I’ve stated, this internship was completely remote, so I worried about the connections I’d be able to make in a virtual environment. However, collaborating with my peers and engaging in group work became a pivotal learning experience, surpassing previous encounters in different settings. Our last week entailed writing up our research report and getting it prepared for publication. Considering this huge task was to be completed in one week, we needed all hands on deck. My co-fellows and I each took various leadership roles and responsibilities to produce an engaging and thought-provoking report. This experience was difficult, but immensely rewarding to see our hard work come to fruition. As someone who has always dreaded group work and group projects, I now go into them with a different perspective and value the ability to work with my peers to collectively accomplish our goals. 

Furthermore, this internship has proven instrumental in shaping my career interests. While I’m still unsure of the path I’d like to take, I now know how interested in pursuing research I am. I learned the value of delving deep into a concept and topic, and how much information you unknowingly discover. Embracing qualitative research opened my eyes to its intrinsic value and the communicative aspects that make it so compelling.

To prospective students considering an internship at Lemelson-MIT, I offer this advice: be prepared to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and work diligently. However, you will be supported by exceptional mentors, instructors, and fellow interns along the way. Many of us entered this program with limited familiarity with ethnographic research, however, we’ve all come out of this experience with an immense amount of knowledge of ethnography and its diverse applications. This experience provides an invaluable opportunity to engage in firsthand observational research and fully grasp the importance of qualitative studies in the field. 

Reflecting on my time at Lemelson-MIT, I take immense pride in my open-mindedness and adaptability throughout the program. Entering with minimal expectations and knowledge of the content, I fully embraced the fast-paced environment with hard work and determination. Undoubtedly, I cherish this experience above all else, as it has granted me lifelong friendships and connections in just six weeks. 

— Natalie Saltzman

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