Coming to an End

As a legal studies minor with aspirations to be a lawyer, I had hoped that my internship this summer would give me the chance to apply knowledge from my legal studies classes outside of an academic setting, gain experience in a new field of law, and improve my communication skills with clients. I am now proud to be able to say I met these goals. Attorney Gbehan, the lawyer who I have been working with this summer, has thrown me straight into real-life, challenging, highly applicable legal situations that would typically require much more experience. I had the chance to use words that I vaguely remembered from my classes while drafting documents for or meeting with clients. I was able to see firsthand not only what they meant, but also what their purpose was in the world of law. The attorney also threw me into situations where I had to give clients case updates or ask them questions for forms with very little information about their circumstances. I had to be very adaptable and quick-thinking in order to obtain all of the necessary information and make clients feel confident in the firm. As I developed these abilities, my communication skills with clients improved greatly. 

Because this internship immersed me so quickly and completely in real legal work, it allowed me to very well understand what a career in law might be like. Because my firm consisted of only the attorney and I, I was able to gain insight into all elements of case processes instead of just one specific element within a bigger firm. I enjoyed thinking flexibly and employing problem skills to deal with case nuances, piecing together the necessary information to move forward with a case, and getting to know several different types of clients. However, working in such a small firm spread an extremely large amount of responsibility onto very few people and meant that I was working with fewer people than I would have liked. For my long-term career, I perhaps see myself working at a larger firm.

I am extremely proud of myself for being able to keep up with my demanding workload. Attorney Gbehan told me that legal internships are often very “sink or swim,” and I feel that I successfully demonstrated that I have the ability to “swim” in challenging environments. I have been pushed beyond my comfort zone, forced to ask questions, think critically, adapt quickly, work under pressure, and write with a completely new voice and style. I have now made it to a point where I am not only able to manage these demands, but have even grown used to them and been able to anticipate what my next tasks will be. I have always thought of myself as a follower who takes direction well, but had never fully realized my leadership and advocacy potential until this summer. I learned that I am able to take initiative, stand up for myself and my opinions, and figure out tasks on my own. I have even learned that I am capable of leading others, as I largely supported and trained another intern at the law office when she started four weeks after me. I remember this intern asking me for advice about the internship. I told her that it could be difficult, demanding, and even overwhelming at times, but if she persevered and just did her best, she would be surprised just how much she was capable of. Now, I would still give prospective interns the same advice. If you give yourself the chance to succeed, you just might surprise yourself.

Sydney Duncan

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